NO 7/2023 JULY

The influence of breathing exercises on stress levels and mood – research review

The article presents the relationship between the regular practice of slow breathing and mood and stress levels, as well as the direct effects of a few minutes of slow breathing exercise. Breathing exercises were explained and the results of the latest research on slow breathing and its impact on human mood were discussed. Many of these studies reveal that breathing exercises contribute to the improvement of mood and well-being and the reduction of symptoms of tension and anxiety, which translates into better functioning of a person in the work environment, including an increase in his efficiency and job satisfaction. From the company's point of view, this, in turn, means lower costs resulting from errors made by employees.


DOI: 10.54215/BP.2023.07.14.Suminska

Platform work conditions according to selected pan-European questionnaire studies

Among the questionnaire studies providing information on the working conditions of platform work, the most remarkable are the COLLEEM study, conducted by the European Commission's Community Research Centre in partnership with the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion in 2017 and 2018 and the EIGE study, conducted by the European Institute for Gender Equality in 2020. The aim of this article is to present the way in which these studies were carried out, their scope in relation to platform work conditions and examples of the obtained assessments of these conditions.


DOI: 10.54215/BP.2023.07.15.Pawlowska

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