• Effects of mobbing on employees
    dr Magdalena Warszawska-Makuch, p. 15-19
  • Diversity of soundscape of the Silesia Park
    mgr inż. Magdalena Miterska, dr hab. Janusz Kompała, p. 20-24
  • Effects of mobbing on employees
    dr Magdalena Warszawska-Makuch

    A number of studies show that workplace bullying is associated with the experience of severe, long-term stress leading to serious mental and physical health disorders and physical health, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders and depression. The consequence of this is often a loss of capacity to work. It can be assumed that the inability of victims of bullying to continue working is also due to a significant deterioration in their cognitive functioning. This article discusses the negative effects of workplace bullying on employees. It focuses on both negative effects on mental health and cognitive functioning.


    DOI: 10.54215/BP.2023.02.3.Warszewska-Makuch

    Diversity of soundscape of the Silesia Park
    mgr inż. Magdalena Miterska, dr hab. Janusz Kompała

    The 535-hectare Silesian Park is located in the centre of the largest conurbation in Poland and offers a recreation area to the inhabitants of nearby cities. Soundscapes in the following parts of the park were analysed: amusement park, zoo, ethnographic museum, rose garden, Field of Mars and the vicinity of the planetarium. Quiet and loud zones were identified as a result of the studies. The significance of appropriate urban park planning with regard to noise levels in the park environment was demonstrated. Due to the various purposes of the park areas and the park location itself, individual parts of the complex exhibit different soundscapes. The article presents the soundscape characteristics of individual areas of Silesia Park.


    DOI: 10.54215/BP.2023.02.4.Miterska

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