NO 10/2019 OCTOBER

Physical fitness of firefighters – examples of activities helping its maintenance
Anna Marszałek

Care for good health and high physical fitness of firefighters reduces the likelihood of them being injured during rescue and firefighting operations.

The article presents issues related to the maintenance of physical fitness by firefighters, regarding the requirements and possibilities of their implementation, both at home and abroad. Recommended forms of training leading to better professional preparation of firefighters were presented.

Attention was drawn to the fact that there are no legal regulations in Poland regarding the method of conducting training by Fire Brigade officers that they should perform in order to maintain high physical fitness. Instead, the principle of annual checking of firefighters' fitness applies, and it depends on them whether and how they care about their physical form.

Educational experiences of lecturers at work with students – research results report
Beata Taradejna-Nawrath

The educational environment is usually analyzed from the perspective of learners' needs. However, the needs of educators are no less important in the educational process. The lecturer, while working with various learning groups, experiences various situations: both personal and professional. He acts not only as a teacher, but also as an employee. The teaching room is a place where various models of pedagogical work are realized, the conditions conducive to professional self-fulfillment or factors hindering it are revealed.

The article presents the experiences of lecturers at work with adult students. They focus on the educational process from the point of view of its implementers. The lecturers talk about the conditions of didactic work, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as about the meanings they attribute to it.

The motivational interview as a support tool in the vocational reintegration of the elderly and the disabled persons
Andrzej Najmiec

In the paper the primary principles of motivational interviewing (MI) and its advantages in the process of vocational reintegration are presented. The skill of the MI’s implementation to the process of occupational reintegration may be a significant aid to the disabled people in the context of their learning about their full potential, making changes in their stance towards their handicap and increasing their motivation towards taking up an occupation.

Computational methods of sound insulation of two-layer sound insulating baffles
Krzysztof Kosała , Ryszard Olszewski

In reducing the excessive noise level, especially at workplaces, sound insulating baffles are used, which can be used individually or are used as a structural element of the wall of sound-absorbing and insulating enclosures. Knowledge of acoustic parameters of such baffles is very useful at the stage of designing or forecasting the effectiveness of anti-noise solutions.

The paper presents selected methods of calculating acoustic insulation of single partitions, consisting of two layers of materials with sound insulating properties. In addition to using the mass law model and commercial software, a new approach has been proposed in calculating the insulation of single heterogeneous two-layer baffles, consisting in the modification of the well-known Davy model. Verification of computational methods was carried out on the example of six rubber and metal plates, whose acoustic insulation was determined in laboratory conditions as part of earlier tests.

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