Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards - Projekty

The development of methods for testing the effectiveness of laboratory exhausts in the workplace.

Kierownik projektu: Tomasz Jankowski M.Sc. (Eng.)

Streszczenie projektu:

In the process of the task realisation there were specified technical assumptions of test stand using the method of flow visualisation, anemometric and marker method. There have been checked the efficiency of some exhausts both in laboratory and in use conditions. The exhausts have been checked while starting, after their installation and during maintenance to assess compliance with the requirements.
There were developed recommendations on selection of operating parameters of laboratory exhausts to protect from air pollution risks. Basing of these recommendations there were prepared educational package for every student consisting of module chart, source material, elicitation, control questions and computer presentation. Special training for the representatives of PSSE, PIP, PIS and OSPS as well as safety and health inspectors and producers of laboratory exhausts took place to verify the a/m recommendations.

Jednostka: Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards

Okres realizacji: 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013