Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards - Projects

Developing a methodology of testing simultaneous cleaning the air of particles, vapours and gases and efficient filtration-sorption structures for high-temperature processes

Kierownik projektu: Elżbieta Jankowska Ph.D. (Eng)

Streszczenie projektu:

A test stand, a method and a testing procedure for filtration-sorption structures were developed as part of this task. Structural parameters were defined and the efficiency of filtration and sorption of the newly developed structures was tested regarding Diesel fumes. The following were also developed within this task: - the principles and guidelines for reducing or eliminating exposure to harmful pollutants emitted in high-temperature processes - the principles of assessing the efficiency of filtration-sorption structures and systems cleaning the air that include filtration-sorption structures. The developed method, test stand and the principles of assessing the efficiency of filtration-sorption structures make it possible to conduct tests in laboratory conditions and in situ, i.e., where real high-temperature aerosols are emitted. As a result it is possible to use filtration-sorption structures that efficiently clean the air of pollutants emitted in high-temperature processes.

Jednostka: Department of Chemical and Aerosol Hazards

Okres realizacji: 01.01.2008 – 30.12.2010