NO 5/2018 MAY

Ways of maintaining fitness by firefighters – original research results
Anna Marszałek

The following article presents the results of original research concerning methods of firefighters’ trainings and their ways of maintaining accurate fitness levels. Typical equipment for firefighters' training rooms, as well as their most common exercises are provided. The results of fitness and performance tests have also been reported.

The special clothing for firefighters – the normative requirements and original research results
Magdalena Młynarczyk

The firefighters work in extreme environmental conditions and have to solve a wide variety of problems during their work. These can be rescuing and firefighting actions or removing effects of accidents or natural disasters. In order to protect, not only others but also themselves, they must be focused as much as possible in order to avoid mistakes. Optimal conditions for such work could create so-called thermal comfort, characterized by a thermoneutral state of a body. Lack of thermal comfort can also cause an increased number of mistakes. That is why it is so important to select the right protection and to know the impact of the protective clothing (special clothing) on the thermal sensation of firefighters.


This article presents the requirements for special clothing for firefighters, the results of thermal insulation tests of the above-mentioned clothing and the analysis of thermal sensations of its users (by PMV index).

Learning of older workers – preliminary results report
Karolina Pawłowska-Cyprysiak

Human capital expressed with level of education and overall competences is one of the key factors which influence professional activity in productive age especially among elderly. Educational activity helps people to adapt to changing conditions of life on each of its stage and also increases quality of life. In case of elderly, it also allows to eliminate stereotypes about senility and social marginalization, and has a positive impact on self-esteem and allows to establish social contacts. The aim of the article is to present opinions of workers aged 50+ about learning. 208 workers aged 50+ employed in big, medium or small private or state-owned companies took part in questionnaire research. Great part of older workers (86%) think that training is important in all ages. Most of them want to train (69%) and their main motives are: wish to purchase new qualifications, wish to develop interests and financial motives.

ICT-based mobile work – new challenges and risks
Marcin Drabek, Małgorzata Waszkowska

Implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in many economy domains results in a rise of new professions and new services, in new forms of employment (e.g., mobile work), in an increase in autonomy and  flexibility at work. It encourages workers’ work ability, high effectiveness and innovativeness, which impact business efficiency. However, ICT  increase work demands, work overload,  role conflict; they result in the need for continual learning, a blurring of the work-life boundary; they are conducive to occupational and social isolation,  burnout, Internet addiction, etc.  Therefore, prevention measures are required: periodical assessment of the work environment and its impact on workers’ functioning permitting  implementation of relevant modifications.  

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